Parking is extremely limited in all three zones, so we encourage rideshare or public transit.
The Portland Streetcar will be operating for free after 5pm all three nights of the festival.
All parking is first come, first served and available at the discretion and cost determined by the lot owners. PDXWLF does not provide any parking.
All parking first come, first served.
Limited paid parking available at OMSI.
Lots are available at SE Water and Salmon. These are paid parking lots.
We recommend riding the Portland Streeetcar, MAX, or TriMet bus to the OMSI/SE Water MAX Station. Portland Streetcar is free after 5pm on all three nights.
Downtown lots available at owner discretion and cost.
Smartpark: 123 SW Jefferson St, Portland, OR 97204,
Smartpark: 818 SW 4th Ave, Portland, OR 97204
Complete transit information for the festival.
We recommend riding your bike to PDXWLF. Parking is available on the Eastside by Tilikum Crossing, directly next to the MAX/Streetcar stop.